2017 Rental Property Tax Return Checklists Required to Maximise Tax Refunds

by | Aug 7, 2017 | General, Property Taxation, Tax Planning

Rental Property Tax Returns – Be Prepared:

What you need to bring to your tax return appointment.

If your’re coming in soon to discuss completing your rental property tax returns, please see the following to help ensure we can get the most effective result for you.

What to consider?

Here is a brief checklist of issues to consider prior to us preparing for your rental property tax returns.


  • Rental Property Annual Management Summary Report from your real estate agent.


Rental Property Tax Deductions are many and varied, however to keep it simple, thingk of out goings as either…..

Deductible – Straight Away

Deductible – Number of Years

Non Deductible – Capital in Nature

Property Related issues to consider prior to doing your tax returns


Property Related Tools to help collate information

Use our rental property expense collation forms to help –

Rental Schedule

Rental Schedule – Excel Spreadsheet

Depreciation Checklist for new or existing homes pre 2017 federal budget changes to second houses

Investment Property Tax Planning Free Booklet

Guide for Rental Property Owners  & Typical Depreciation Rates for Fixtures & Fittings

New Client or Client Update Form

Self book online a time, date and place to have your tax return prepared.

Be Prepared:

What you need to bring to your tax return appointment.

See 2017 Job Specific Tax Deduction Guides

If your’re coming in soon to discuss your tax return for yourself or your business, try not to turn up empty handed.


What to bring?

Here is a brief general checklist of things to prepare for your tax return appointment. Not all of the following will be relevant for everyone.


  • PAYG summaries from employers
  • Bank interest received during the financial year
  • Distributions from trusts, partnerships, managed funds
  • Allowances (car, travel, meals, etc)
  • Foreign Income
  • Dividends
  • Capital Gains – example sale of shares or a rental property


  • Motor vehicle expenses based on business use – (including a log book if applicable)
  • Travel and accommodation expenses – local and overseas
  • Work uniforms and clothing expenses
  • Courses, training and any professional development completed
  • Home office expenses
  • Mobile Phone & Internet usage (see tips to claim business use %)
  • Tools and equipment
  • Computer expenses
  • Income Protection expenses
  • See  newsletter for complete list.

See also our 2017 Individual Tax Return Checklist

MV Log Book Method Worksheet Claim

Rental Property Income & Expenses Statement

New Client or Client Update Form

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