Recent Blogs

eBay Store Tax Implications!

   In a recent financial year, Ebay was asked to reveal the identities of about 15,000 sellers that sold more than $20,000 worth of goods online. The ATO has now reduced the threshold to $10,000. Each year the government’s revenue collection arm extends further...

Employee or Contractor? 12 common myths

The Tax Office says that it has encountered several myths adopted by both workers and employers when it comes to trying to decide the tax status of a job appointment. Having an Australian Business Number (ABN) – Myth: If a worker has an ABN they are a contractor...

December Newsletter

Christmas Parties, Gifts & Bonuses Tax Checklist Tax Prospective – The Do’s and Don’ts to Christmas Giving and Functions. We provide a Christmas year-end checklist that will guide your business from a tax consequence point of view when planning...