Fuel Tax Credits Explained

Fuel Tax Credits for heavy vehicles and off road use.

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Fuel Tax Credits (FTC)- Information Video 

Fuel tax credits provide businesses with a credit for the fuel tax (excise or customs duty) that’s included in the price of fuel used in:

  • machinery
  • plant
  • equipment
  • heavy vehicles
  • light vehicles travelling off public roads or on private roads.

The amount depends on when you acquire the fuel, what fuel you use and the activity you use it in. Fuel tax credits rates also change regularly so it’s important to check the rates each time you do your business activity statement (BAS).

Smaller on Road Vehicles Not Eligible for FTC

Some fuels and activities are not eligible including fuel you use in light vehicles of 4.5 tonnes gross vehicle mass (GVM) or less, travelling on public roads.

We’ve developed some useful tools to help you work out which of your business activities are eligible and what rates apply, and a calculator to help you work out your claim.

Lawn mowing FTC

Lawn mowing and landscaping to claim Fuel Tax Credits

Find out about:

If you would like any help with registering, claiming the FTC, please feel free to contact our office.


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