Where to Start In Property Investing??

Ok, you want to invest in property to build your wealth to generate a passive income in the future!

It’s important to know a few key things before you start.

Let’s Explore 3 Important Questions


What Property Investment Strategy to follow?

What Tax Structure to hold property investments?

What Tax Issues to consider?


Scroll down this page for answers to these questions and how to develop a sound property investment strategy.


What Property Investment Strategy to follow?

There are three main strategies you can use!

1 – Rental Property Investor

(Rental Property Investor intention is to – Buy & Hold)

2 – Property Developers – Passive

These developers are looking to buy residential properties with the intention to – Buy, Develop & Hold)

3- Property Developer Enterprise

These developers are looking to either flip or subdivided to build new properties, with the intention to – Buy, Develop & Sell ASAP)

Each strategy has differing time frames and tax implications to consider for accounting for – Profits, GST, CGT, Land Tax, Stamp Duty, Tax Structures Overlays, and any deemed changes in intentions between the strategies.






What Tax Structure to hold property investments in?

There is a number of tax structures you can use, each with distinct tax implications for holding, developing, estate planning and selling property.


– Sole, Joint or Tenants in Common

Partnerships, JV or Syndicates

– members can be any combination of individuals, partnerships, trusts, companies or SMSFs.


Trust can be either – Discretionary, Fixed, or Hybrid


Companies can have many directors, shareholders can be either individuals, trusts, companies, or SMSFs

Self Managed Super Fund (SMSF)

Up to six individual members can join forces to invest and develop properties.

Joint Venture (JV)

A (JV) is a cooperative agreement between parties that contribute resources (such as money, skills, assets) to acheive a common goal to develop property for the benefit of each venturer.




What Tax Issues to consider?

The investment strategy(s) and tax structures will collectively create opportunities and threats to the tax planning available and payable.

Smart Property Taxpayers should understand and model the different strategies and associated tax treatments to drive their involvement and strategy used to build wealth. In property development, sometimes less work can mean more after-tax gains!

Profits on Sales (CGT)

Profits could be on Revenue or Capital Account (CGT)

Profits are assessed by, time, intentions, involvement, location and tax structuring.

Development Costs

Could be on Revenue or Capital Account

Stamp Duty on Purchase

Will be affected by Tax Structuring, values and state locations

Land Tax levied annually

Will be affected also by tax structuring, value and locations

Goods and Service Tax (GST)

Needs to be considered if using investment strategy 2 or 3, or changing intentions in 1,2 or 3.


Taxation & Accounting for Property

Before investing in property, it’s critical to consider your intentions, investment strategy, time frames and tax structures. This will form the foundation of your property investment journey.

Getting it wrong may mean the difference between making a profit or not, and paying much more tax than planned on any profits or capital gains in the future!

One of the biggest impediments to building wealth will be unnecessary taxes!

Let’s look for the opportunities, rather than deal with the consequences of poor planning and ill-advised tax structuring for your preferred property wealth strategies.

Ready to take the next step?

Book an Appointment

Careful consideration of your property strategy(s), and tax structures will have a profound impact on your future profits and gains.

Book an appointment today, to ensure you can maximise your tax opportunities, and not have to deal with tax problems down the track!

The best time is before you start any project, the next is ASAP, to see how we can mitigate any tax problems that you may not be aware before it is too late.

Our Mission

Is to ensure every household is provided with the best property knowledge and tax advice to make informed property investments to fund their future.

Our Why

We believe and specialise in property to support your property journey to build wealth.


Working as part of your property team as an umpire, scorekeeper, and technical tax advisor, as your biggest supporter.


A Net Worth that now affords you the style you want.

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